The periodic acid Schiff ( PAS) staining was positive for fungal hyphae in the dermis. PAS染色真皮内见真菌菌丝。
Using periodic negative pressure and less amount of acid with multiple injection effectively reduces groundwater pollution. 同时它利用周期性负压和少量多次注酸,限制水井酸处理的污染范围,降低对地下水的污染程度。
Periodic acid Schiff stain could observed that positive red granules existed in the cytoplasm, and the content of urea nitrogen in medium was also obviously increased. 高碘酸-Schiff糖原染色可见胞浆内存在红色颗粒,呈阳性反应,培养液内尿素氮含量亦明显升高。
Environmental Stability of Periodic Structure of Arachidic Acid LB Films 花生酸LB膜周期结构的环境稳定性
The paper introduces the writing skin of products after reacting between alpha dihydroxy alcohol and periodic acid, and how to conclude the structure of alpha dihydroxy alcohol from their products, and how to apply the reaction. 本文介绍了α-二醇与高碘酸反应后产物的书写技巧,并讨论了如何由产物推出α-二醇的结构以及反应的应用。
Preparation and Lamellar Periodic Structural Aanalysis of 3-Mercaptopropionic Acid Capped Gold Nanoparticle Self-Assembled Multilayer 3-巯基丙酸包裹的金纳米粒子自组装膜的制备及其层状周期性结构分析
The improved heterogeneous reaction of the oxidation of cellulose by periodic acid 改进非均相高碘酸氧化纤维素反应
Periodic acid Schiff ( PAS) reaction and indocyanine green ( ICG) uptake assay were performed to assess the characteristic hepatocyte function of the differentiated cells. 糖原PAS染色和吲哚氰绿(ICG)摄取试验检测肝细胞功能。
The Liesegang ring structures in gel system: study on the periodic precipitates of cholic acid with metal ions 凝胶体系中生物分子-金属离子沉淀的LIESEGANG现象研究:胆酸与金属离子形成的周期性沉淀及其影响因素
Methods The composition and contents of amino acid in microfilariae of periodic Brugia malayi before and after the effect of cytotoxicity were analyzed with automatic amino acid analyzer. 方法应用高速氨基酸分析仪对细胞毒作用前后的周期型马来丝虫mf进行氨基酸组成及含量的分析比较。
They were positive for Congo red, Alcian blue, and periodic acid Schiff ( PAS) stains. 组织化学染色刚果红、阿森蓝及PAS均阳性。
Methods By using two staining methods-the PAS ( Periodic Acid Schiff) technique and the HE technique-we observed the morphological changes in the seminiferous epithelia of specific stages. 方法应用PAS染色法与普通HE染色法相对照,对比观察小鼠睾丸各级生精上皮在精子发生不同时期的形态学变化特点。
This paper studied that liquid natural rubber ( LNR) was prepared respectively by four types of oxidative degradation agents ( phenyl hydrazine, nitrobenzene-hydrogen peroxide, potassium persulfate-propionaldehyde and periodic acid). 本文采用四种降解体系(苯肼、硝基苯-过氧化氢、过硫酸钾-丙醛和高碘酸)制备液体天然橡胶(LNR)。
Especially using the continuous wavelet transform to pre-extract the high frequency part, we obtained the periodic features of the amino acid sequences effectively. 尤其是预先利用连续小波变换提取信号高频部分,有效的说明了蛋白质序列的周期性特征。
There are contrasts between the tetrahydrofuran and latex. The degradation ability of periodic acid in latex was poor. 高碘酸在胶乳中的降解能力较差。